Remote Sensing Services

Our Technologies

Remote Sensing


Asic Specifications:

• 150 kg smallsat
• 330 km Sun Synchronous orbit
• Electric propulsion
• 300W pivoting solar panels
• 6 year lifetime
• Passive cold plate
• Multi-core computer with ECC DRAM and FPGA
• Two 2 TB NVMe solid state drives
• 10 Gbps pixel bus
• OLED selfie screen
• Space selfie solar panel camera



• Globalstar radios for commands and telemetry
• Optical uplink and downlink, multiple passes per day
• Optical error corrected data transfers at 100 Mb/s
• Custom optical ground stations
• Small size, low weight, low power, and low complexity custom on-board satellite laser comm optics and electronics



• 4 momentum wheels
• 4 control moment gyros
• 3 magnetic torquers
• 2 Star cameras
• 2 GPS antennae, located on the opposite ends of the spacecraft

Optical Specifications:

• Modified Dall-Kirkham telescope
• 20" (50 cm) Zerodur primary mirror
• 48 MP visible/NIR main camera with stellar guide chips and sub-pixel imager nanopositioners
• 10 MP UV/visible/NIR high sensitivity camera with stellar guide chips and sub-pixel imager nanopositioners
• 150 band hyper-spectral imager
• 0.25 arc second IFOV
• Native 40 cm GSD pan and multispectral
• Super-resolution 30 cm GSD pan and multispectral


24 Position Filter Wheel:

• Five stripe B, G, R, Red edge, I
• Coastal Blue
• polarizer
• grism
• H-alpha
• H-beta
• N-II
• S-II
• UV 200-300nm
• Sloan u'
• Sloan g'
• Sloan r'
• Sloan i'
• Sloan z'